Naturally Oxidized; Consists of only tender, unopened buds plucked, usually around spring. White tea is considered as the least processed and most delicate teas to produce due to its favorability in geographical location and weather condition.
Unoxidized teas; green teas goes through different stages and different styles of processing. The biggest producers of green teas are China and Japan. Green tea is known to have potent medicinal properties and is more consumed worldwide.
Semi-oxidized; also known as Wu Long. Oolong teas are made from larger leaves of Camillia Sinensis. The processed leaves varies in appearance, color of liquor, and aromas. Oolong teas are in between green tea and black tea. They are also the most complicated teas to produce. The biggest manufacturer of oolongs is China.
Oxidized teas; Black teas goes through a process called oxidation. Oxidation is commonly mistaken for "fermentation". Oxidation is a chemical process that requires an abundance of moist, oxygen-rich air. This process brings out its particular aromatic qualities. Black teas is one of the world's most consumed and produced teas next to green teas. Manufacturers includes China, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Indonesia.
Postfermented; Pu-Erhs come in 2 different forms: (1) is "raw" or "green pu-erh" and (2) "cooked" or "black pu-erh". Pu-erh teas are known for its mild earthy flavors. In old Chinese, pu-erh is known as "black tea". Pu-erhs can be loose leaf or compressed into a traditional round cakes, known as "bricks", and are formed into several shapes such as mushrooms, spheres, pyramids, and more. China is the major manufacturer of pu-erhs, particularly in the Yunnan Province.
A mixture of black teas from different estates and origin. Sometimes blended with scented oils such as Bergamot. Our most popular blended teas are English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, and Russian Caravan.
Teas that have been scented by flower blossoms such as jasmine, rose, chrysanthemums, and lychees. This teas are unique and highly aromatized. They are very refreshing and relaxing.
Herbs that have been combined to create an exquisite and flavorful infusion (tea) that is both relaxing and refreshing. These herbal blends are completely different from other teas like green, black, white, or oolong teas because they are not made of Camellia Sinensis. Herbal blends usually consists of flowers, leaves, barks, or roots and usually contains no caffeine. Most of them have functionalities that could help with your well-being such as sleeping, stomach problems, or stress reductions.
Fruit blends consists of dried fruits and natural flavors. They are a favorite drink in Europe. They do not contain caffeine and are only made up of high quality fruits that are packed airtight after production to maintain its freshness and fragrance. This tea is a treat for the young and the old and are best brewed hot or cold.
Pronounced as "roy-boss", this special tea is considered as an herbal tonic amongst the African people. Made from the South African "red bush", rooibos is a healthy and nutritious alternative to regular caffeinated teas. Rooibos does not contain caffeine and is packed with vitamins and minerals.
A well-known energizer in Latin America, Mate (mah-tay) is made from a mate bush. Mate is known as a revitalizer due to its caffeine content and weight reducer due to its ability to suppress your appetite. It is refreshing and it's gaining more and more popularity in the US and also Europe.