Original Product name: Alishan-Zhangshuhu Cha 阿里山樟樹湖烏龍茶 茶樹品種:青心烏龍
English international name: Ali Mountain Oolong Tea
Crop year/season: 2010/WINTER
Commercial grade: AAA+
Growing zone/Village: Taiwan Jiayi county,from 1300-1450 M elevation
Brewing Alishan: 1. Use boiling water 2. Soak tea set in advance, 3. Put tea leaves into the tea cup or tea pot. 4. Pour boiling water (100 centirgade) into it 5. After 1 minute of steeping you can enjoy the tea.
Amount of Tea: 7 grams tea leaf per 250 cc hot water.
Special Drinking Note: Smell the tea brew fragrance first,then taste the tea.
Taste Notes: This is a new plantation in the Ali mountain area,Zhangshuhu 1300-1450 M elevation. Zhangshuhu mean Camphor Lake. It is close to the famous Alishan Scenic Mountain Railway and Fengchi Lake. Year-round swirling mists are common. Special pure sandy terracotta, with unique mountain dew & rain make this high mountain area tea especially fresh green, soft and solid.The leaf is shaped ball round, with tight end. The leaves are dense deep green and shiny.Tea brew is of yellow-green color. Taste is of fresh and sweet (honey) fragrance.Perfect brew for the semi-fermented tea lover.